Friday, January 25, 2008

More Sosen News from Ohio

Doc Berman is on top of the Sosen related news. Here is how the recent post begins, with links to additional reference sources. Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly the costs are beginning to escalate and AWA is not looking so good after all. You would think the legislatures have better things to do, and taxpayers would want better laws. Similar to the national ID program imposed on the states, this one isn't worth the candle.

I always thought AWA was just another way to kick felons after they are already down. Wouldn't employers just love to have another source of cheap unemployable "cash" labor? And we could build bigger bridges for housing the homeless ones too.

But could we at least add kitchens and toilets this time?

Both Sex Crimes and Sex Offender Issues have posts spotlighting what a mess the new federal Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act is starting to make in the states. This strong article from, headlined "Will states say 'no' to Adam Walsh Act?" provides this essential background:

Facing a 2009 deadline to comply with a controversial federal law intended to crack down on sex offenders, states are nearing a crossroads. They either must fall in line with the statute or ignore it and absorb the penalty — a 10-percent cut to their share of funds in a congressional grant program used to fight crime.

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