Friday, May 16, 2008

Against the Grain

At this link is an opinion being appealed to the Supreme Court by Major League Baseball, and a bunch of other hippo size bodies with brains of peas (I take that back y'all---go ahead and spend money however you want to---I would do the same thing---or maybe not---maybe I grew up---maybe I don't like throwing money into the toilet---who knows...nobody cares), who want to control the use of their own statistics, already public domain stuff, by a fantasy baseball game maker. I wish I had half of the cash the parties have already spent on this lawsuit. I'd settle for a quarter of it. Read more at SCOTUSBLOG'S petitions to watch section.

Wait. I just remembered that running against the grain is how you get things done. So, now when I write my book and talk about the awesome Iron Man playing ball, and how, I need MLBPA permission. Not.

That would make the world a better place, if you're MLBPA. Anyhow,

It sure does make for interesting first amendment reading! There is also an interesting breach of warranty claim discussed in this case. Seriously, a game has entertainment value as art or a novel. If the maker wants to make a few bucks to defray the cost of his game why should we stop that.

I play fantasy yahoo for free and wonder how they do it, keep it free, that is.

This is just another case of the rich bully wanting to take the poor man's toy away. As if it wasn't enough to push the price of gas up to five dollars a quart.

I respectfully beg the Court to deny cert to resolve the issue. Watch out, that's certain to provoke them to grant the petition.

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